The Illinois Geographic Alliance invites Middle School and High School teachers of social studies or science to apply for a 2-day workshop
June 29th and June 30th
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Held at
Northeastern Illinois University
5200 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL
Workshop participants will explore the full range of powerful geospatial tools and resources, now available to all K-12 teachers free-of-charge through the Esri ConnectEd Initiative and will also explore online lesson plans that will enhance their existing curriculum and empower their students with 21st Century mapping skills.
Teachers will receive
• stipend of $150
• 13 PD Clock Hours.
After the June workshop . . .
• create a lesson plan using ArcGIS Online (August 12 submission deadline).
• receive an additional $50 stipend.
Two follow-up webinars
• 1 PD Clock Hour each to support teachers during lesson plan development.
For Additional Information and Application visit the Illinois Geographic Alliance website
Application Deadline: June 1, 2015
Late Applications accepted if seats still available