GSC’s Geosphere inflates to 20’ tall

Tools for an Educational landscape

Engaging young people on the uses and technology of today’s geography is fundamental.

That’s why GSC offers two interactive programs designed to educate and entertain on geography, and how it’s used today. Our experienced geographers share their wealth of knowledge with students and people of all ages wherever they’re needed – private events, schools, and more.

Our programs are:

  • Grade-level appropriate, and designed to meet national standards
  • Customized to focus on geography, science, history, literature, current events, and math
  • Interactive, engaging all of the students
  • And most importantly, they’re fun!

Whether you’re planning your teaching curriculum or hosting a private event where you’d like to educate and entertain a group of young people, the Geographic Society of Chicago can provide the experienced geographers you need.

In our interconnected world, we believe that a geographically informed citizenry is of critical importance to the future of our country. And yet geography is often missing in many of Americaʼs schools. For this reason, the Geographic Society of Chicago is providing geography programs for elementary and secondary schools.

To get in touch regarding our school programs, please contact us:

Giant State Traveling Map

The GeoSphere (formerly called the Earth Balloon)

Giant Floor Map