Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Cost: FREE
The importance of place, power, and purpose resounds with the buzz of bees as they fly over a myriad of landscapes with diverse cultures as stewards. Melanie Kirby, a self-proclaimed Nectar Nomad, has spent the past 25 years learning from bees and their keepers around the globe. Her travels have taken her on an unfolding journey from her upbringing as a Native American in the southwestern United States, to islands in the Pacific and Caribbean, to northern and Mediterranean peninsulas, and to distant continents. Her presentation will share a glimpse of one of her more recent travels to Spain, where as a Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellow, she followed the bloom to explore where the origins of bees meets the destiny of their keepers to collect a bouquet of stories bridging cultures, and connecting the past to the present to the future.